REGISTERED TO: DEMO This game is distributed as shareware. Please see the "Read Me" file for information on how to register. If you wish to "try out" this game, please wait for the Demo button. Demo games are limited to 15 minutes. DEMO TIME EXPIRED PAUSED SAFETY AWARD GEM PROTECTION GEM BONUS COMPLETION BONUS GAME OVER Are you sure you want to end this game? ENEMIES KILLED BLESSINGS LAST WAVE COMPLETED WAVE THE GREATEST SENTINELS Your settings have the same key controlling more than one function. Please be sure all keys are unique. These keys have not been tested. You may encounter problems controlling your ship. Please see the manual for more information. KEY TEST: ABORTED KEY TEST: OK PERFORMING KEY TEST (ESC TO CANCEL) PRESS NEW MINE KEY PRESS NEW SCATTER KEY PRESS NEW MISSILE KEY PRESS NEW LASER KEY PRESS NEW RIGHT TURN KEY PRESS NEW LEFT TURN KEY PRESS NEW THRUST KEY High Score Contest :data:px:info 4 :data:px:info 3 :data:px:info 2 :data:px:info 1 :data:px:options SoC Preferences :data:px:logo :data:snd:snd list :data:scores :data:px:sprites 3 :data:px:sprites 2 :data:px:generic :data:px:title :data:px:bg :data:px:sprites